Molting. Liminality.
I desire greatly to see you living out the fullness of your unique power.
I am also someone who has learned through their experience what it feels like to lose connection with themselves, their spirit, their power, and their magic. It is through my experience teaching others, gathering in community, growing in the shadows, and failing that I name myself an ensoulment doula and fulfill the desire to help others along their path of transformation and acceptance of Soul and Self.
I am Samar Jade (they/them) and my identities:
Black, fat, gender expansive, former academic, teacher, magician, singer, writer, creative, parent, friend, romantic partner...these collectively inform my work as an Ensoulment Doula.
Most people who are familiar with the word doula know doulas who are birth or death doulas. But, there may be doulas of any kind. A doula is simply a guide who helps clients through transitions. I am an ensoulment doula, which means the transitions of my focus are that of guiding the soul, the essential and core part of who we are, back to embodiment in the Self. There are many ways we may be separated from our truest selves at any point in our lives. Our society is designed in such a way that our productivity and abled-ness remain a constant focus. Media messaging has a sinister way of informing us of who we "should" be in order to be digestible. Trauma, in its love letters to our bodies repeats messaging of what we must do in order to remain safe. All of these things contribute to the pushing out of our core self, the soul where it is forced to walk alongside us. But, it's messaging and voice, and one of our greatest treasures, intuitive gnosis, becomes lost in the noise of everyday life. This makes it difficult for us to know and trust our needs, wants and desires. My work as an Ensoulment Doula is to walk alongside others as they make the journey to coming back to themselves as the first truthseer.
In my own experience, no one needs a doula and yet their guidance in huge life transitions is essential. As the ensoulment doula, I am here to remind you of the things you already know but need help remembering. I stand beside you as you seek to know and strengthen your voice.
An ensoulment doula is one who walks alongside you as you do the work to birth yourself.
I am with you, as you call your Soul to your Self. I provide support during the darkened areas of that journey to claiming your power.
I assist in your discovery of how to nurture that which is ready to be witnessed.
I am here as an oracle, as a mirror, to help you process your expansion. You are in charge of your re-membering process. I am here to aid in your re-birthing.
What people are saying about working with the Ensoulment Doula:
Lily of the Valley
“I am a wordsmith yet find it difficult to encapsulate what beauty and empowerment Samar's offerings and containers provide in any articulate sense. Their spaces are not of this galaxy, and/also grounded in the pleasant presence of the present tense. It has been an honor to witness their ongoing emergence as the deeply intense and intensely deep mystic they are, and will continue to be along a vibrant cosmic spectrum of personal and collective evolution.”