Allowing your personal gnosis to guide your healing process.
My journey into focalizing was just as intuitive as the practice is. It has become a soft landing place for building my relationship with my intuition. It is a modality that makes space for my neurodivergence and many identities to coalesce. It has become a tool in rooting deeper into myself.
Focalizing further compliments my work as an Ensoulment Doula. It is an offering where you are able to experience holding all that you are. It can be a place to softly touch the woundings, and to look at them with curiosity. By using a shared intention, we can explore with curiosity what your body’s wisdom and messages are through felt sensing, imaging, and intuition.
I have two ways you can engage in this practice with me as your guide. You can either:
Purchase 3 Focalizing Sessions (50 mins) Note: At this time, I only offer these sessions in a way that allows for deeper integrations. This is why you book a package of 3 sessions at a time.
a monthly subscription with Embodying Your Chart where you can experience your natal chart body using the somatic wisdom of focalizing.